Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage
Redscale destockage

Redscale destockage

61,80 €



The Redscale is my working field hat, I love the durability and texture of the wild hare felt… this hat will bounce back from anything, give it a slap to shake off the excess dust and it’s ready to go again…

Using a hand shaping technique after the initial blocking on the round crown mold, this style is hand molded to create a completely one of a kind piece. The process allows for the artisan to have control of every detail and curve regarding the shape of the crown- perfecting each one slightly different from the rest.

Created with 100% rabbit felt, it is soft and delicate to the touch. Despite being malleable enough to sculpt into the ideal shape, the teardrop crown as well as the brim remains firm and structured. The velour cut of the felt gives luminosity and a hairy finish to the felt.

The brim is average 8,5 cm with a clean cut edge. It is then decorated with a thin gros grain western bow. Inside a tear-lining representing one of Alex pics, using the redscale technique.

On the crown, our EarthpieceTM reminds you what's important.

Inside you can have the vegetal tanned calf leather sweatband.

The hat is hand made in Florence, Italy with respect and consciousness of quality and making process.

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